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Monday, July 25, 2016
Friday, February 10, 2017
Aeronautics - Technology Integration and Flight Demostrators, Safety and Security, Fluid Mechanics, Electronics and Communications, Environmental Impact of Air Transport, Diagnostic Methodologies and Advanced Measurement Techniques, Propulsion, On Board Systems and ATM, Adptive Structures, Structures and Materials, Software Development and Virtual Reality

Activities in the AERONAUTICAL sector follow various lines of research: Fixed-wing and Rotary-wing aircraft, Autonomous and Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems, Propulsion systems, On-board systems, Sustainability, Reliability and Safety.

Aeronautical transport is constantly evolving and pursuing ambitious objectives aimed at reducing environmental impact and ensuring cost-effectiveness.

Since 2016, the R&TD activities at CIRA have integrated short-term goals with new activities involving the strengthening of skills in accordance with the international scenario. CIRA is committed to monitoring and developing a series of technological lines that involve, in a multidisciplinary way, various thematic areas like aerodynamics, propulsion, advanced materials, structures, avionics, and the integration of these technologies in demonstrators and airborne platforms.

The strategic lines of Fixed-wing and Rotary-wing aircraft provide CIRA with efficient and state-of-the-art tools for design and testing, as well as systems of multidisciplinary analysis. All this helps to evaluate the technological impact of the identified solutions and prepare an environment for research and development.

The aviation scenario in Europe, defined by the experts of the European Commission (ref. Flightpath 2050 Europe's Vision for Aviation), is characterised by the coexistence, in non-segregated airspace and at airports, of transport aircraft and Autonomous and Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS). The current lines of development at CIRA are in line with this European scenario and include technologies for unmanned aircraft, (Automatic management of the flight plan, Failure Detection and Management, Detect & Avoid, Automatic Take-Off and Landing), and evolving technologies like aerostructures (Health Monitoring) and auxiliary on-board systems (anti-icing/de-icing, diagnostics and prognostics).

In the case of Avionic Systems for UAS aircraft, CIRA intends to play an important role in developing various operational scenarios involving increasing autonomy, like the "pilot-in-the-loop" of RPAS in controlled airspace, the "autonomous" management of RPAS aircraft of high operating efficiency, and the "autonomous and cooperative" management of a fleet of RPAS aircraft of high operating efficiency. 

In the context of Propulsion systems, the main activities concern the development of green & efficient propulsion systems (including hybrid, thermal, electric and diesel ones), as well as the development of innovative and ultra-efficient propulsion systems, in order to reduce emissions of CO2 (by 75%), NOx (by 90%) and perceived noise (by 65%).

As regards Sustainability, Reliability and Safety, CIRA is committed to the sustainable development of the Air Transport System (ATS), Integrity Engineering, the use of autonomous systems for difficult missions, and the protection of critical infrastructures.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Research Lines